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Main section 4: Practical information.

1. Workdays: Can You Help?

Workdays are planned on the following Saturdays from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Please put the dates in your diary and do your best to come along and help the Club get all the jobs done without which it couldn’t function:

WRSC Workdays are listed on the WRSC 2025 Calendar. Please check the club website for more information.

Workday information will also be posted to the WRSC Facebook group, too. 

Further WRSC workdays may be organised when required and will be published separately.

2. Duties


For 2025 we will continue using the Dutyman system to allocate and schedule the duties that we need members to undertake. The Dutyman system is independent of the WRSC website:


Visit Dutyman Here

All members’ details will be added to Dutyman which will send them a Dutyman login. The system will notify you of your allocated duties at the start of the year and send reminder. emails as the duty approaches.


If you cannot attend any of these duties, you are responsible for finding a replacement through the duty man swap function, by following the link on the notification email. Please note you can only swap the same duty, eg an OOD cannot swap with a Race Team member.

Wednesday evenings:

1. OOD: Organise and run the race. We suggest you try to arrive at least 60 minutes before racing starts to accommodate any unexpected events/conditions/circumstances.

2. Ass OOD: Assist the OOD and carry out tasks as directed, Sundays.


3. OOD: Organise and run the race. We suggest you try to arrive at least 60 minutes before racing starts to accommodate any unexpected events/conditions/circumstances.


4. Assistant OOD: Assist the OOD and carry out tasks as directed.


Race Team, Carry out tasks as directed by the OOD and Assistant OOD, these may include:

• Manning the safety boat

• Assisting in the race hut

• Locking / Unlocking

• Calculating Results

• Etc


Please read Section 8 ‘Duties of the officer of the day (OOD)’ below for the full detail. OOD training will be offered online and/or at the club as soon as the 2024 duties have been allocated.

3. Key holders

All members can avail themselves of a key to the compounds and the changing rooms by payment of a small deposit to the Hon. Treasurer. If access to the Clubhouse and rescue boats is required, the following key holders may be contacted:

Alistair Banks

Guy Cokill

Tim Hattersley

Ray Ferriby

Clare Thompson

Sam Lewis

Nina Ricks

Stuart Garside

Tom Butterworth

Charlotte Scaife

Ray Jones

Roger Perry

Soeren Vonsild

Mark Robinson

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